Beim Kauf eines Toro E-Traktors ES3200DC erhalten Sie das Toro Recycler Set (Modell 21852) im Wert von 1.099€, --* gratis dazu.
When you purchase a Toro E-Tractor ES3000, you will receive the Toro Recycler Set (Model 21852) valued at €1,099 for free.
When you purchase a Toro E-Tractor ES3000, you will receive the Toro Recycler Set (Model 21852) valued at €1,099 for free.
Beim Kauf eines Toro E-Traktors ES3200DC erhalten Sie das Toro Recycler Set (Modell 21852) im Wert von 1.099€, --* gratis dazu.
*) Non-binding recommended retail price including VAT. Offer valid while supplies last.
*) Non-binding recommended retail price including VAT. Offer valid while supplies last.