
Protecting your data is a special priority for us. Therefore, we will process your data exclusively on the basis of the applicable legal provisions (GDPR, Austrian Telecommunications Act 2003 (Telekommunikationsgesetz 2003)). The purpose of this privacy statement is to inform you about the most important aspects of the data processing taking place through our website.

If you use the contact form on our website or if you contact us by e-mail, we will store the data provided by you for the purpose of handling your inquiry and for potential follow-up questions for six months. We will not pass on these data without your prior consent. Data storage – online shop and in-store. Please note that in order to facilitate the purchase process, and for the purpose of subsequent contract performance, information about the IP data of the connection owner, as well as the respective customer’s name, address, date of birth, e-mail address, telephone number, account details and/or credit card number will be stored using cookies.

We need the data you provide to be able to perform the contract and take the requisite steps at the pre-contract stage. Without these data, we cannot enter into a contract with you. Data will not be transferred to third parties except for account details and/or credit card details being transmitted to the banks and/or payment service providers handling the transaction, for the purpose of debiting the purchase price; to the transport/shipping company retained by us for delivering the goods; to our IT service providers for storing the aforementioned data; as well as to our tax advisors to comply with our tax obligations.

Furthermore, if payment is made by credit card, the customer’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and credit card number will be transferred for processing to the service provider Stripe, Inc., which has its registered office in 185 Berry Street, Suite 550, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA, and stored on its servers. These data are thus passed on to a non-European third country. The relationship with the service provider is governed by the Privacy Shield agreement.
We have entered into a corresponding agreement on data processing with the processors.

If the purchase process is aborted, we will delete the data we have stored. If a contract is formed, the relevant data will be stored for a period of 30 years from the end of the financial year in which the transaction was completed, in particular for the purpose of being able to comply with retention requirements under tax law, and as long as warranty, damages and product liability claims require such data to be processed, in which case, however, the data will be processed in an archive with special access rules. The data passed on to Stripe, Inc. will be stored at Stripe, Inc. for as long as Stripe, Inc. is required to do so to fulfil its statutory or contractual obligations. The data processing is based on the statutory provisions of section 96 (3) Telecommunications Act and Article 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent) and/or Article 6(1)(b) GDPR (necessary for the performance of a contract).

Publishing of information on social media
Furthermore, we publish information about our promotional competitions and the respective winners of such competitions on our social media channels for advertising and marketing purposes. If you participate in a promotional competition and are among the winners, this information will include your name and a photo in which you are shown.
We use the social media platforms Facebook and Instagram operated by Facebook Inc., which has its registered office in 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. The above-mentioned data are transferred to and stored on the provider’s servers and are published on our Facebook and/or Instagram profile pages. These data are thus passed on to a non-European third country. The relationship with the provider is governed by the Privacy Shield agreement. We have entered into a corresponding agreement on data processing with the provider. The data will be stored by Facebook Inc. for as long as this is required for Facebook Inc. to be able to provide products and services. The data will be stored by Facebook Inc. until our profiles/accounts are deleted, unless Facebook Inc. no longer requires these data to provide products and services. The data processing is based on the statutory provisions of section 96 (3) Telecommunications Act and Article 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent).

Facebook pixel
On our website, we use the so-called ‘Facebook pixel’ provided by the social network Facebook, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA, or, if you are based in the EU, by Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. The Facebook pixel enables Facebook to identify visitors of our website as belonging to the target audience of specific targeted advertisements (so-called ‘Facebook ads’). Accordingly, we use the Facebook pixel to ensure we show the Facebook ads placed by us only to those Facebook users who also showed an interest in our website. For this purpose, a direct connection is established to Facebook’s servers when you visit the website, with the information that you have visited the website being transmitted and Facebook matching this information with your Facebook user account.

The Facebook pixel also allows us to track the effectiveness of Facebook ads for statistical and market research purposes by showing us whether users were redirected to our website after having clicked on a Facebook ad. While the data collected in this manner are anonymous for us, i.e. we have no access to the personal data of individual users, the data will be stored and processed by Facebook. Facebook can link these data with your Facebook account and use said data also for its own advertising activities, in accordance with the Facebook data privacy policy The legal basis for using this service is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. You can deactivate the remarketing function of Facebook at If you wish to prevent the collection of data by the Facebook pixel used, click on the following link: [fb_optout] Clicking on this link will store an opt-out cookie on your device. This cookie is valid only within the browser you are using and only within this domain. If you delete the cookies of the currently used browser, you have to click on the link once again.

Management of suppliers and contractors (for our purchasing department and back office)
In your capacity as supplier and/or contractor of our company, you disclose the following data to us: name, company register number, address, e-mail address, telephone number, and account details. These data are indispensable for performance of the contract and are, among other things, processed for the purpose of complying with statutory requirements (e.g. retention requirements under tax law or obligations regarding warranty and damages). While you are under no obligation to disclose the data to us, failing to do so means that we will not be able to deliver or take delivery. The data will not be transferred to third parties except for account details being transmitted to the banks handling the transaction, for the purpose of transferring the purchase price/fee; to our IT service provider (trinet e.U., Thomas Rieschl, IT-Services & Consulting, comp. reg. no. 348315d) for storing the aforementioned data; as well as to our tax advisors to comply with our tax obligations. During the duration of the business relationship and beyond, we will store the data for a period of 30 years after the end of the financial year in which the transaction was completed, in particular for the purpose of being able to comply with retention requirements under tax law, and as long as warranty, damages and product liability claims require such data to be processed, in which case, however, the data will be processed in an archive with special access rules.

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files which are stored on your device via your browser. They cause no damage. We use cookies to provide you with a user-friendly experience when you visit our website. Some cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them. They enable us to recognise your browser the next time you visit our website. If you do not agree to this, you can change the settings of your browser so that it notifies you each time when cookies are about to be used, thus enabling you to grant or deny permission for the storing of cookies on your device on a case-by-case basis. Disabling cookies may limit the functionality of our website.

Web analysis
Our website uses features of the web analysis service Google Analytics provided by Google LLC, which has its registered office in 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. For this purpose, we use cookies that allow an analysis of how users use our website. The information generated in the process is transferred to and stored on the provider’s servers. These data are thus passed on to a non-European third country. The relationship with the provider is governed by the Privacy Shield agreement. You can avoid this by changing the settings of your browser so that it does not allow for cookies to be stored. We have entered into a corresponding agreement on data processing with the provider.

The data processing is based on the statutory provisions of section 96 (3) Telecommunications Act and Article 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent) and/or Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest).
Our objective within the meaning of the GDPR (legitimate interest) is to improve our offer and our web presence. As the privacy of our users is a priority for us, we ensure that the IP address, while being recorded, is immediately pseudonymised (e.g., by deleting the last eight bits), allowing for approximate pinpointing only. Further information on this topic is available at (general information on Google Analytics and data protection).

We also use the advertising systems Google AdWords and Google Shopping provided by Google LLC, which has its registered office in 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. For this purpose, we use cookies that allow an analysis of how users use our website. The information generated in the process is transferred to and stored on the provider’s servers. These data are thus passed on to a non-European third country. The relationship with the provider is governed by the Privacy Shield agreement.
You can avoid this by changing the settings of your browser so that it does not allow for cookies to be stored. We have entered into a corresponding agreement on data processing with the provider.

The data processing is based on the statutory provisions of section 96 (3) Telecommunications Act and Article 6(1)(a) GDPR (consent) and/or Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest).
Our objective within the meaning of the GDPR (legitimate interest) is improve our offer and our web presence. As the privacy of our users is a priority for us, we ensure that the IP address, while being recorded, is immediately pseudonymised (e.g., by deleting the last eight bits), allowing for approximate pinpointing only. Further information on data privacy and cookies in the context of Google AdWords and Google Shopping is available at and .

You can subscribe to our newsletter on our website. In order for you to subscribe, we need your e-mail address and your confirmation that you agree to receiving the newsletter.
In order to be able to furnish you with targeted information, we also collect and process information about your birthday, address and areas of interest as provided by you on a voluntary basis.

We also use the system MailChimp provided by The Rocket Science Group, LLC, which has its registered office in 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA. Your e-mail address is transferred to this provider and stored on its servers. These data are thus passed on to a non-European third country. The relationship with the provider is governed by the Privacy Shield agreement.

In addition, your e-mail address and any other voluntarily provided details (i.e., birthday, address, and areas of interest) will be passed on to our IT service provider (trinet e.U., Mag. Thomas Rieschl, IT-Services & Consulting, comp. reg. no. 348315d) for data storage.
We have entered into a corresponding agreement on data processing with the processors.
You can cancel the newsletter subscription at any time. Please send your cancellation notice to the following e-mail address: Subsequently, we will immediately delete all your data that pertain to the newsletter service.

Your rights
Your general rights include the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restriction, the right to data portability, the right to withdraw your consent and the right to object. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or if your rights under data protection law have been violated in any other way, you can lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority. In Austria, this is the Data Protection Authority (Datenschutzbehörde).

Contact details
Prochaska Handels GmbH
Company register number 307146k
Pilzgasse 31, 1210 Vienna
Tel. +43 (1) 278 51 00 – 0